
Release 0.21.6.

Merge pull request #1202 from nanonyme/nanonyme-patch-1 Raise GitProtocolError on unexpected pkt

Raise GitProtocolError on unexpected pkt There are some packets (like NAK) which have no sha. This does not change them to be handled but you get in exception always the command that failed to be unpacked instead of strange exception about there not being enough values to unpack.

Merge pull request #1200 from jelmer/http-error Raise GitProtocolError when encountering HTTP Errors in HTTPGitClient

Fix new flake errors

Update NEWS

Raise GitProtocolError when encountering HTTP Errors in HTTPGitClient. Fixes #1199

Merge pull request #1196 from jelmer/index-refactor More refactoring of index

Fix python 3.9 compatibility

Merge pull request #1195 from jelmer/enum-stage Define enum for stage values

Properly split out SerializedIndexEntry class

Define enum for stage

Merge Support multiple IndexEntries for the same path

Convert IndexEntry to dataclass

Merge pull request #1194 from pmrowla/win-git-bash config: check both `git/etc` and `git/mingw64/etc` on windows

Split out a separate ConflictedIndexEntry class This should make the changes transparent to existing API users (so long as they don't work in trees with conflicts). It also prevents repeated dictionary access.

config: check both git/etc and git/mingw64/etc for system gitconfig on windows

content-type: do slightly more correct header parsing

Merge pull request #1192 from anlambert/http-client-fix-content-type-check client: Fix content type check in AbstractHttpGitClient._smart_request

Merge pull request #1167 from jelmer/fix-iterobjects-subset FIx iterobjects_subset

client: Fix content type check in AbstractHttpGitClient._smart_request Some git servers can send a Content-Type header containing a charset directive. Official git client can successfully clone repositories hosted on such server but dulwich was raising a GitProtocolError as the code to check the header value was not expecting a directive to be present in it.

Merge pull request #1187 from jelmer/readthedocs Add the readthedocs configuration

Fix ``ObjectStore.iterobjects_subset()`` when hex shas are passed for objects that live in packs. Fixes #1166

Merge pull request #1165 from jelmer/handle-missing Handle missing object in iterobjects_subset

Fix codespell