Commit Diff

commit - b96221e6b0fba68943e0414aebee615838bf6e58
commit + d718c3b8fb88be531d442d1e9f9f05cb76bbd56b
blob - e63ee18dbaf0b739916640ae036259c98f734058
blob + 5287c97ee9c9f53122b0ca88867d57acadfbe2da
--- commands.c
+++ commands.c
@@ -2048,6 +2048,7 @@ size_t cmdtab_nitems = nitems(cmdtab);
 static Command  cmdtab2[] = {
+	{ "reload",     nreboothelp,    CMPL0 0, 0, nreboot,            1, 0, 0, 0 },
 	{ "su",         enablehelp,     CMPL(ta) (char **)enabletab, sizeof(Menu), enable,      0, 0, 0, 0 },
 	{ 0,		0,		CMPL0 0, 0, 0,		0, 0, 0, 0 }
blob - 2686795281c1f2ea0984713a005d6c0e652ec406
blob + 110dc23caec6958d0d55b5dfc9129ff2477c9467
--- nsh.8
+++ nsh.8
@@ -1859,18 +1859,52 @@ Sep  8 15:05:37 tobsd tom: interface drops due to unpr
 .Tg reboot
+.Tg restart
+.Tg reload
 .Ic reboot
 Restart the system.
+when processing the command will warn the user if there are
+unsaved changes to the running-config.
+The user will be prompted to confirm the reboot in any case.
+The command requires
 to be in privileged mode and requires root user privileges.
 .Bl -dash
 E.g. restart the system
 .Bd -literal -offset indent
-% Reboot initiated
+% WARNING: The running configuration contains unsaved changes!
+% The 'show diff-config' command will display unsaved changes.
+% The 'write-config' command will save changes to /etc/nshrc.
+Proceed with reboot? [yes/no]
+.Tg reboot
+.Tg restart
+.Tg reload
+.Ic reload
+an alias for the reboot command above.
+when processing the command will warn the user if there are
+unsaved changes to the running-config.
+The user will be prompted to confirm the reboot in any case.
+The command requires
+to be in privileged mode and requires root user privileges.
+.Bl -dash
+E.g. restart the system
+.Bd -literal -offset indent
+% WARNING: The running configuration contains unsaved changes!
+% The 'show diff-config' command will display unsaved changes.
+% The 'write-config' command will save changes to /etc/nshrc.
+Proceed with reboot? [yes/no]