Commit Diff

commit - 294a2171bae9e95d3015c49783274b7cc852c1e8
commit + ad41bf97f3b41bfe6f663ac1f149eb7b248dea01
blob - 5d0bb4dd1bca68652e2816e9b29132e0a36d1da9
blob + 7e82c2bb99a5691a79a269dfe1b06aae7d5c056d
--- fuzzing/oss-fuzz-scripts/
+++ fuzzing/oss-fuzz-scripts/
@@ -2,36 +2,17 @@
 set -euo pipefail
-python3 -m pip install .
+unset RUSTFLAGS # The OSS-Fuzz provided RUSTFLAGS cause issues that break PyO3 based Rust extension builds.
+export PATH="${PATH}:${HOME}/.cargo/bin"
+python3 -m pip install -v ".[fastimport,paramiko,https,pgp]"
-# Directory to look in for dictionaries, options files, and seed corpora:
-find "$SEED_DATA_DIR" \( -name '*' -o -name '*.options' -o -name '*.dict' \) \
-  ! \( -name '__base.*' \) -exec printf 'Copying: %s\n' {} \; \
+find "$SRC" -maxdepth 1 \
+  \( -name '*' -o -name '*.options' -o -name '*.dict' \) \
+  -exec printf '[%s] Copying: %s\n' "$(date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')" {} \; \
   -exec chmod a-x {} \; \
   -exec cp {} "$OUT" \;
 # Build fuzzers in $OUT.
 find "$SRC/dulwich/fuzzing" -name 'fuzz_*.py' -print0 | while IFS= read -r -d '' fuzz_harness; do
   compile_python_fuzzer "$fuzz_harness"
-  common_base_dictionary_filename="$SEED_DATA_DIR/__base.dict"
-  if [[ -r "$common_base_dictionary_filename" ]]; then
-    # Strip the `.py` extension from the filename and replace it with `.dict`.
-    fuzz_harness_dictionary_filename="$(basename "$fuzz_harness" .py).dict"
-    output_file="$OUT/$fuzz_harness_dictionary_filename"
-    printf 'Appending %s to %s\n' "$common_base_dictionary_filename" "$output_file"
-    if [[ -s "$output_file" ]]; then
-      # If a dictionary file for this fuzzer already exists and is not empty,
-      # we append a new line to the end of it before appending any new entries.
-      #
-      # LibFuzzer will happily ignore multiple empty lines in a dictionary but fail with an error
-      # if any single line has incorrect syntax (e.g., if we accidentally add two entries to the same line.)
-      # See docs for valid syntax:
-      echo >>"$output_file"
-    fi
-    cat "$common_base_dictionary_filename" >>"$output_file"
-  fi
blob - b3b0e9f847ea68a0ab856b8cf5caaddf360f06dc
blob + 177c6ff0b871528225bcc6b13bf4ccff6a00cf17
--- fuzzing/oss-fuzz-scripts/
+++ fuzzing/oss-fuzz-scripts/
@@ -6,23 +6,20 @@ set -euo pipefail
 # Prerequisites #
-for cmd in python3 git wget rsync; do
+for cmd in python3 git wget zip; do
   command -v "$cmd" >/dev/null 2>&1 || {
     printf '[%s] Required command %s not found, exiting.\n' "$(date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')" "$cmd" >&2
     exit 1
-mkdir -p "$SEED_DATA_DIR"
 # Functions #
 download_and_concatenate_common_dictionaries() {
   # Assign the first argument as the target file where all contents will be concatenated
-  target_file="$1"
+  local target_file="$1"
   # Shift the arguments so the first argument (target_file path) is removed
   # and only URLs are left for the loop below.
@@ -35,21 +32,54 @@ download_and_concatenate_common_dictionaries() {
-fetch_seed_data() {
-    rsync -avc "$SRC/dulwich/fuzzing/dictionaries/" "$SEED_DATA_DIR/"
+prepare_dictionaries_for_fuzz_targets() {
+  local dictionaries_dir="$1"
+  local fuzz_targets_dir="$2"
+  local common_base_dictionary_filename="$WORK/__base.dict"
+  printf '[%s] Copying .dict files from %s to %s\n' "$(date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')"  "$dictionaries_dir" "$SRC/"
+  cp -v "$dictionaries_dir"/*.dict "$SRC/"
+  download_and_concatenate_common_dictionaries "$common_base_dictionary_filename" \
+    "" \
+    ""
+  find "$fuzz_targets_dir" -name 'fuzz_*.py' -print0 | while IFS= read -r -d '' fuzz_harness; do
+    if [[ -r "$common_base_dictionary_filename" ]]; then
+      # Strip the `.py` extension from the filename and replace it with `.dict`.
+      fuzz_harness_dictionary_filename="$(basename "$fuzz_harness" .py).dict"
+      local output_file="$SRC/$fuzz_harness_dictionary_filename"
+      printf '[%s] Appending %s to %s\n' "$(date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')" "$common_base_dictionary_filename" "$output_file"
+      if [[ -s "$output_file" ]]; then
+        # If a dictionary file for this fuzzer already exists and is not empty,
+        # we append a new line to the end of it before appending any new entries.
+        #
+        # LibFuzzer will happily ignore multiple empty lines in a dictionary but fail with an error
+        # if any single line has incorrect syntax (e.g., if we accidentally add two entries to the same line.)
+        # See docs for valid syntax:
+        echo >>"$output_file"
+      fi
+      cat "$common_base_dictionary_filename" >>"$output_file"
+    fi
+  done
 # Main execution logic #
+prepare_dictionaries_for_fuzz_targets "$SRC/dulwich/fuzzing/dictionaries" "$SRC/dulwich/fuzzing/"
-download_and_concatenate_common_dictionaries "$SEED_DATA_DIR/__base.dict" \
-  "" \
-  ""
+apt-get update && apt-get install -y libgpgme-dev libgpg-error-dev
+# The OSS-Fuzz base image includes a modified cargo executable for pure rust projects
+# but it can cause linking errors with PyO3's extension-module feature so we remove it.
+rm -rf /usr/local/bin/cargo
+# Install the Rust toolchain so the Rust extensions can be built in
+curl -sSf | sh -s -- --default-toolchain nightly --profile minimal -y
 # The OSS-Fuzz base image has outdated dependencies by default so we upgrade them below.
 python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip
 # Upgrade to the latest versions known to work at the time the below changes were introduced:
-python3 -m pip install 'setuptools~=69.0' 'pyinstaller~=6.0'
+python3 -m pip install -U 'atheris>=2.3.0' 'setuptools~=73.0' 'pyinstaller>=6.10' setuptools-rust