Commit Diff

commit - 8cc7eb12ea0d2cd26be310c5b02e32ac6a47b5a9
commit + 4c9b38eda9a90a091d25041dc45c8669adf9639e
blob - 5217edd9bc9894e37dd088138285c1925d5fe5be
blob + 61d717d8fd989813ca141faf91da108914673579
--- swh/loader/git/
+++ swh/loader/git/
@@ -10,8 +10,8 @@ import json
 import logging
 import os
 import pickle
-import sys
 from tempfile import SpooledTemporaryFile
+import time
 from typing import (
@@ -63,6 +63,27 @@ from .utils import HexBytes
 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
 heads_logger = logger.getChild("refs")
+remote_logger = logger.getChild("remote")
+# How often to log messages for long-running operations, in seconds
+def split_lines_and_remainder(buf: bytes) -> Tuple[List[bytes], bytes]:
+    """Get newline-terminated (``b"\\r"`` or ``b"\\n"``) lines from `buf`,
+    and the beginning of the last line if it isn't terminated."""
+    lines = buf.splitlines(keepends=True)
+    if not lines:
+        return [], b""
+    if buf.endswith((b"\r", b"\n")):
+        # The buffer ended with a newline, everything can be sent as lines
+        return lines, b""
+    else:
+        # The buffer didn't end with a newline, we need to keep the
+        # last bit as the beginning of the next line
+        return lines[:-1], lines[-1]
 class RepoRepresentation:
@@ -367,14 +388,71 @@ class GitLoader(BaseGitLoader):
-        def do_progress(msg: bytes) -> None:
-            sys.stderr.buffer.write(msg)
-            sys.stderr.flush()
+        # Remote logging utilities
+        # Number of lines (ending with a carriage return) elided when debug
+        # logging is not enabled
+        remote_lines_elided = 0
+        # Timestamp where the last elision was logged
+        last_elision_logged = time.monotonic()
+        def maybe_log_elision(force: bool = False):
+            nonlocal remote_lines_elided
+            nonlocal last_elision_logged
+            if remote_lines_elided and (
+                force
+                # Always log at least every LOGGING_INTERVAL
+                or time.monotonic() > last_elision_logged + LOGGING_INTERVAL
+            ):
+                    "%s remote line%s elided",
+                    remote_lines_elided,
+                    "s" if remote_lines_elided > 1 else "",
+                )
+                remote_lines_elided = 0
+                last_elision_logged = time.monotonic()
+        def log_remote_message(line: bytes):
+            nonlocal remote_lines_elided
+            do_debug = remote_logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG)
+            if not line.endswith(b"\n"):
+                # This is a verbose line, ending with a carriage return only
+                if do_debug:
+                    if stripped := line.strip():
+                        remote_logger.debug(
+                            "remote: %s", stripped.decode("utf-8", "backslashreplace")
+                        )
+                else:
+                    remote_lines_elided += 1
+                    maybe_log_elision()
+            else:
+                # This is the last line in the current section, we will always log it
+                maybe_log_elision(force=True)
+                if stripped := line.strip():
+                        "remote: %s", stripped.decode("utf-8", "backslashreplace")
+                    )
+        # This buffer keeps the end of what do_remote has received, across
+        # calls, if it happens to be unterminated
+        next_line_buf = b""
+        def do_remote(msg: bytes) -> None:
+            nonlocal next_line_buf
+            lines, next_line_buf = split_lines_and_remainder(next_line_buf + msg)
+            for line in lines:
+                log_remote_message(line)
             with raise_not_found_repository():
                 fetch_info = self.fetch_pack_from_origin(
-                    self.origin.url, base_repo, do_progress
+                    self.origin.url, base_repo, do_remote
         except NotFound:
             # NotFound inherits from ValueError and should not be caught
@@ -388,6 +466,10 @@ class GitLoader(BaseGitLoader):
             self.dumb = dumb.check_protocol(self.origin.url, self.requests_extra_kwargs)
             if not self.dumb:
+        else:
+            # Always log what remains in the next_line_buf, if it's not empty
+            maybe_log_elision(force=True)
+            log_remote_message(next_line_buf)
             "Protocol used for communication: %s", "dumb" if self.dumb else "smart"
blob - 0ced59cf70860949970d8df78a860481e61bea48
blob + 25c460ee36f0f78b3c27962a9d05df9edb660190
--- swh/loader/git/tests/
+++ swh/loader/git/tests/
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ import pytest
 from requests import HTTPError
 from swh.loader.git import converters, dumb
-from swh.loader.git.loader import FetchPackReturn, GitLoader
+from swh.loader.git.loader import FetchPackReturn, GitLoader, split_lines_and_remainder
 from swh.loader.git.tests.test_from_disk import SNAPSHOT1, FullGitLoaderTests
 from swh.loader.tests import (
@@ -1073,3 +1073,19 @@ def test_loader_too_large_pack_file_for_github_origin(
         f"Pack file too big for repository {repo_url}, "
         f"limit is {loader.pack_size_bytes} bytes, current size is {big_size_kib*1024}"
+    "input,output",
+    (
+        (b"", ([], b"")),
+        (b"trailing", ([], b"trailing")),
+        (b"line1\r", ([b"line1\r"], b"")),
+        (b"line1\rtrailing", ([b"line1\r"], b"trailing")),
+        (b"line1\r\ntrailing", ([b"line1\r\n"], b"trailing")),
+        (b"line1\r\nline2\ntrailing", ([b"line1\r\n", b"line2\n"], b"trailing")),
+        (b"line1\r\nline2\nline3\r", ([b"line1\r\n", b"line2\n", b"line3\r"], b"")),
+    ),
+def test_split_lines_and_remainder(input, output):
+    assert split_lines_and_remainder(input) == output